21 August 2007

The W List... The Wiki Continues

My dear Mogulette sister Carmina Perez shared a link to a blog that posted 100 resources for women entrepreneurs called The Woman Entrepreneurs Toolbox. Of course now that I have started one wiki, well why not another? After all, what's one wiki without another? One lonesome wiki!

So, I added a page to the existing wiki of the W Magical List of Women Bloggers. The new page, The Women Entrepreneurs Toolbox, was compiled and written by Jessica Hupp of the Bootstrapper Blog. It is a fabulous list of blogs, tools, networking and organizations, resources, government aids, books and inspirational stories websites for women who are starting a business or are more established fem-preneurs. One can spend several days just going through the list.

The list is compiled in easy to use categories, which makes for quick searches. This is the goal of the W List, to categorize the list for quick and easy access. The W List is in categories on Elysa's GenPink blog, which is fabulous.

Head over and be prepared to spend some time. The resources are great. As a fem-preneur, I could sure use this resource, as it saves me time from looking everything up myself.

Since I'm on a wiki roll, any other resources for women, let me know and we'll see what we can create. After all, it's my purpose in life to equip and empower women. So, yes I am working!

Live wiki-liciously!
~The Wild Wiki Woman!


Carmina Pérez said...

You rock Carolyn! Thanks for making it easy to share these wonderful lists with the world!
Carmina, aka Mogulette-in-the-making

Coach Carolyn said...

Hey Carmina!
Thanks for being part of the conversation.
Your Wild Wiki Mogulette!

Toby said...

Very cool! Thanks for the 2nd W Wiki. Is there anyway for people to add their own blogs to the wiki?

Laura West said...

I am loving the 100 list as well. Great post!

Since you are collecting resources..you might like my blog www.CafeEntrepreneur.com for women entrepreneurs creating more Purpose, Passion and Prosperity. I also have a new product getting rave reviews called the Joyful Business Guide - it's an alternative to the traditional business plan - made for women small business owners who want a creative, inspiration guide to put their ideas, goals and dreams. www.CenterforJoyfulBusiness.com Love to hear your thoughts!

Coach Carolyn said...

Hi Laura,

Thanks for joining the fun! And it is fun. I am loving the connectedness to so many women.

Your mission sounds wonderful. Head over to the wiki and add it. Thanks so much.

Coach Carolyn said...

Hi Toby,

Thanks for dropping by. Just head over to the wiki and request to join. Then add away!

You ladies are totally wiki-licious!

~The Wild Wiki Woman!