My take away from that evening was being authentic takes little or no effort or energy; while the ego takes a lot of energy.
This is so true. Just watch small children. They are content to just be. They can pretend to be, do, and have anything without any of the baggage attached, like worry, fear, and doubt. Once upon a time, we were those children. Remember? Somewhere along the way we bought the tapes that said we “should”: We should act responsibly. We should be realistic. We should be practical. We should grow up and act our age. We should stop dreaming.
We bought the tapes and we have gotten our money’s worth because we have played those same old tapes everyday, over and over and over again. Because of those tapes, we have lost our authentic self and live out of a false self, or ego. What we need to do is bring back our authentic self. Dream, play, vision, imagine, laugh out loud!
Just for today, be childlike and dream big!
Coach Carolyn
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