03 May 2011

Choose to Dance!

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching." ~ Satchel Paige

Now, to me, that is true purpose! And it’s all about making the choice. You can choose to dance like no one is watching or you can choose to feel embarrassment because you believe someone is watching and will judge you. It’s all a matter of mindset. As Napoleon Hill said, “your progress in life begins in your own mind and ends in the same place.”

How true is that? Dr. Hill goes on to say: Every great accomplishment began with the germ of an idea in the mind of a great person, then was shaped for practical usefulness and finally transformed into reality. Make your mind a fertile ground for ideas through constant study and learning, and condition through constant practice to discipline yourself to follow through on your good ideas. The most brilliant concept in the world is only a dream unless you take action. Even a mediocre idea that is put into practice is far more valuable than a flash of genius that languishes in a fallow, undisciplined mind.

So, will you make the choice to work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching? Or, will you choose not to? The choice is yours.

Just for today, make a choice and choose wisely!

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