When two people decide to become one and pledge their lives to one another, part of what they pledge is “…for better or for worse… till death us do part.” A young couple could never imagine that worse or death could come so soon. Their heads and hearts are filled with beautiful dreams, lovely hopes, and bright plans and pictures for the future; never thinking about health care proxies, end of life issues, or cremation arrangements.
One of the most difficult realizations is knowing that in order for one of us to live, one of us had to die. Yet this realization also revealed that both had to die in some fashion. So, he died. In his dying, my life was not only spared, but I was resurrected because I too had to die. I had to die to what was not growing, what was stagnant and not flourishing, and that what me.
It was tragedy and grief that inspired me to excel and become a woman of passion and purpose. My work to empower women would never have been realized. My light would never have begun to shine so magnificently. My heart would never have been so broken as to remain open – open to others whose hearts break through life transitions and loss.
I do miss him terribly. I am eternally grateful for the lessons, the light and the love that I have gained from being reborn. He is forever a part of all that I am and all that I do. Probably no one will ever truly understand my journey. But it doesn’t matter because you see, I can walk with you in your pain, silently. That is my gift.
Visit the initiator of the Week of Positive Blogging, Ehav Ever's blog, Hochmah and Musar; and visit the other bloggers participating in this week of spreading positive messages.
Live each moment on purpose,
Coach Carolyn
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