As a Spiritual Life Purpose/Life Transition and Leadership Coach, Spiritual Grief Counselor, Inspirational and Motivational Speaker and Writer, teacher, facilitator, blogger, singer and storyteller – that all goes without saying. I am privileged to help and save lives daily.
I am so blessed to be living a life of passion and purpose; being given the opportunity to be a guide, a coach, a counselor, and a mentor to so many women and men. I get daily emails from someone who has either attended one of my seminars, workshops, or has read my blog telling me how I made an impact on their life. I either gave them a new way to look at a present situation, I told a story that resonated with them, they were ignited by my passion or calmed by my peaceful demeanor – or charmed by my winning smile! I do get that, too!
Whatever the circumstance, I have traveled the road less traveled because it is a painful, lonely and dark road. I had to travel it in order to come through it. Now, I am in a privileged position – as Spirit Woman guide for others traveling that same dark and lonely road. I do not know every individual pain and trauma, but I do know pain and trauma, this accredits me as traveling companion and guide.
As I opened this week with the quote from Rumi, “Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do,” my beauty is my Spirit Woman emerging from my spirit center, embracing all that hurt and all that live in fear; bringing them to a place of love – living with inner peace, passion and purpose!
Live your beauty with passion,
Coach Carolyn

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