This week marks the anniversary of my widowhood. And though I no longer walk in the valley of darkness, I have entered a new light. So many thoughts and feelings swirled in my mind as I remembered. Part of the gift of my time of grief, pain and loss, is the ability to journey with the countless women who have lost their way in the darkness of the emotions that threaten to envelop them. This week, I share my gift of hope, light and faith with those women (and men). May you be blessed by it.
Two of my favorite women of the Hebrew Scriptures are Ruth and Esther – one, a pagan living in a God-fearing country and the other, a God-fearing Jewess living in a pagan land. Both women were divine instruments of peace, love and fidelity to those they came in contact with – displaying a great love of God and the people.
Although both women were of great strength and loving kindness, both confronted those unsettling emotions we all oftentimes battle with – fear, grief, pain, loneliness, anger and desolation. This week, we shall journey with these two amazing women of Scripture as we heal our own unsettling emotions.

hey Caroline, I am so sorry for your loss. This must be a difficult time for you.
Thank you, Heather. Yes, difficult; but very bittersweet!
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