I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today.
In his lovely book, The Mastery of Love, Don Miguel Ruiz also speaks of seeing with the eyes of love. He writes:
What is important are not all these opinions from others, but your own opinions. You are beautiful no matter what your mind tells you. That is a fact. You don’t have to do anything because you already have all the beauty you need. To be beautiful you don’t have any obligations to anyone. Others are free to see whatever they want to see. If others see you and judge you beautiful or not, if you are aware of your own beauty and accept your own beauty, their opinion doesn’t affect you at all.
You are beautiful everyday!
Coach Carolyn
You are beautiful everyday!
Coach Carolyn
Thanks I needed that today
Thanks I needed that today
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