Thank you to those who have submitted blogs to explore. I had a great time exploring new blogs, especially on the topics I am passionate about.
Purposeful Health and Healing is about living consciously in body, mind and spirit. So, without further ado, on with the carnival!
Health Fitness Hot To shares Simple Secrets for Natural Healing of any Diseases in this post that says, “The secrets of natural healing revolve around our own body’s system – the immune system which is already built-in within us to combat any bacteria or viruses which are attacking us and if you learn how to properly nourish and ‘exercise’ our immune system, you have already discovered the core secret to good health.”
Be In Health Now posts about being healthy with How to Lower Blood Pressure . Author Emily Simmons writes, “Eating low-fat is all good and well, but paying attention to your sodium intake is important too. This article explains the importance of keeping blood pressure under control and offers some simple steps to do so.”
I was fascinated by Barbara Williams’ NursingDegree.net blog post, 100 Useful Sites for School Nurses. This wide-ranging list includes special sites for nurses to connect and discuss; symptom checkers; blogs by school nurses; job sites for nurses looking for a new gig; and professional and trade organizations for nurses.
As a humorous aside, want to know the Top 10 Nurses in Pop Culture?
Dame Scribe at HubPages talks about creating a Personal Recovery Room. She includes things like the lighting, the furniture, and the storage space. To promote better healing from an illness or surgery, one needs a better environment.
For a delightful reflection on summer foods and the body, check out The Heart of Summer at Grace in Gravity.
If you are a Christian mom, then Online Christian Colleges Blog has a fantastic post on the 100 Best Blogs for Christian Moms. Author Adrienne Carlson includes blogging and social communities, and lists blogs for single, Catholic, Mormon, and homeschooling moms.
A dear friend is beginning her studies to become a teacher. She shared the story of her mentor doing a home visit of a four-year-old child. The first thing the mentor noticed was there were no books in the home – only computers and televisions. Is it any wonder, our children are not as imaginative as days of old, and on top of that, obese.
Brain Blogger shares some interesting data about the how to Improve Children’s Mental Health – Turn Off the TV that speaks to this very problem.
Self-Improvement-Articles.com has a wide variety of articles and blog posts on mind, body, and spirit healing and living; including Spiritual Growth: the Spiritual Challenge of Modern Times. In this article, spiritual growth has four premises. To grow spiritually means to 1) look inward; 2) develop your potentials; 3) search for meaning; and 4) recognize interconnections.
As I am a great fan of brain repatterning, Aromatherapy Essential Oils gives some great suggestions on Essential Oils for Absentmindedness.
Sustainable Halo speaks of the gentleness of Gratitude in a heartfelt post.
I use binaural beats and meditation as a method of pain management. Check out this primer, Heal Thyself at LifeAdviceSite.com.
Having trouble meditating? Try mind watching instead in this post Live Consciously Without Meditation from The Conscious Life.
Check out Covenant Blessings for one woman’s beautiful reflection on her personal relationships with God, Blessed In His Image.
NaturalCounselor Blog by Irina Wardas for women’s health, nutrition and wellness. Irina combines written blog posts with podcasts to teach about everything holistic, including wrinkle reduction, weight loss, recipes and touch therapy.
I know you will enjoy visiting and reading these blog posts as much as I have. You support many passionate bloggers when you do. The carnival home is on my About.com Holistic Healing.
Also, become a fan of the Carnival of Healing Group Page on Facebook. And, while you're there, look me up and friend me!
Thanks so much for coming to play with me at my carnival! Leave a comment if you have any AHA moments!
Looking Back: Last week the Carnival #199 was hosted by Phylameana Lila Desy of About.com's Holistic Healing Blog.
Looking Forward: Next edition of the carnival (August 8th) will be hosted by WP of The Conscious Life.
Stay passionate in body, mind and spirit!
Coach Carolyn
Thanks for the great round-up, Carolyn.
@Fresh Air for Life:
SO glad you could come to the carnival. Thanks for stopping by!
Carolyn, just wanted to say hi and thank you.
Have a fabulous day. Don't forget to breathe, smile and be happy.
My pleasure, Irina! Thanks for playing along at the carnival!
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