Who are you hanging out with? Are you spending most of your time around nutritious people? Or toxic people?
Remember, you are the average of your five closest friends. Think about who those five friends are. Do you find yourself complaining about them more and more as time goes on? When you leave their company do you feel challenged, rejuvenated and encouraged?
Have you stopped to ask yourself about your close relationships? If not, why not?
If you are tolerating toxic people, then it will reflect in your life.
If I gave you a beautiful bottle, I am sure you would take it. If I told you that bottle contains a deadly poison, you would think twice about taking it. Yet, this is exactly what you are doing when you associate with toxic people. You are not only taking the bottle, but you are ingesting the poison!
On the same coin – are you a nutritious friend to someone else? Or, are you someone other people would not want to be around? This goes both ways. Remember, when we point the finger, we have three more pointing right back at ourselves.
Just for today, take a serious inventory of your closest relationships. It may be time to do some spring cleaning.
Coach Carolyn
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