"The only way to change your life is to change the choices, to change the actions. If there is something in your life that you don’t like, first you have to be aware that it is the result of something that you do. It’s the result of a choice that you made. Then if you take one step back and focus your attention on what is happening just before that result, you will find what you did that isn’t working, what you did that caused the result you don’t want.
"Once you find out what action you took, the next step is to forgive the reaction and change the choice, change the action, and see that the reaction is. If you don't like the result again, you change it again and again until you have the result you want." ~ From The Four Agreements Companion Book by Don Miguel Ruiz
Remember, the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Stop the cycle of insanity and change your action. Become aware and make a new choice.
Grace Card:
ACT: Charge forward. When we combine action with unwavering faith, the power of grace will meet our needs.
Coach Carolyn
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