This is my third blogfest and opportunity to blog about bathrooms, one of my favorite rooms! The one thing about bathrooms is that we all need them. So, it is interesting that they would be known as the forgotten spaces. Though, we cannot forget about them for too long, because the nose knows!
I am constantly teaching about using bathrooms to our advantage, especially as women. We may be told lots of things; we may be told that we cannot do lots of things. But I dare say, there will be hell to pay if someone tells us that we cannot go to the ladies room!
Because I drink lots of water and tea, I visit bathrooms quite frequently. I have even taken to carrying my own ladies room kit so as to feel comfortable in just about any bathroom. Yes, you need to carry a kit. Not all bathrooms are properly equipped with even the basic necessities. What’s in my kit? Tissues, antibacterial wipes, paper towels, soap leaves, and mirror. And ladies, I’m talking a nice healthy supply of tissues and such. One square simply won’t do. These items are small enough to carry in the smallest evening handbag, though I prefer carrying luggage, but that’s for another blogfest!
Doing grief work with women, I advocate using bathrooms for more than the norm. There is also the occasional need to have a tearful timeout. Where else can you go? Need to get away from Mr. Toxicity for a minute or fifteen? Simply excuse yourself with a nature calls announcement. Only you and Mother Nature know the truth! But I’ll tell you, another minute with Mr. Toxicity and nature won’t be calling… but I digress….
Now, ladies, it’s tricky to get away from those toxic and overbearing mothers because they are of the same gender and use the same bathroom and will likely follow us into the ladies room. So, if your bathroom of choice is not a solo number, time for some quick thinking. The old stomach ache won’t work, remember, she changed your diapers. Okay, here’s one: tell mom it’s time for your five minute chi gong prana exercise and you’ll be back in five. Chances are, she won’t know what that is!
Any other ideas? Post them in the comments here. Would love to read.
For this blogfest, we got our first sponsor, Kaboom Bathroom Cleaners. I must say, I couldn’t wait to try these products. I absolutely love a clean bathroom and Kaboom delivers. I love that these products do things, like foam up and turn from blue to white. I like cleansers that help you clean. I am about doing things with ease. I will not scrub. I will not scour. This is not my passion or purpose in life. When I was seven, I never told anyone that when I grow up I want to be a scrubber! You notice, scrubbing equipment was not part of my kit. I love Kaboom because it does the scrubbing so I don’t have to. Check out Kaboom and stop scrubbing!
My fellow bloggers participating in the 2009 Bathroom Blogfest. Give ‘em a shout!
• Susan Abbott at Customer Experience Crossroads
• Reshma Anand at Qualitative Research Blog ht
• Shannon Bilby at From the Floors Up
• Shannon Bilby and Brad Millner at My Big Bob’s Blog
• Laurence Borel at Blog Till You Drop
• Jeanne Byington at The Importance of Earnest Service
• Becky Carroll at Customers Rock!
• Leslie Clagett at KB Culture
• Katie Clark at Practical Katie
• Iris Shreve Garrott at Checking In and Checking Out
• Julie at Julie’s Cleaning Secrets Blog
• Jeanne Byington at The Importance of Earnest Service
• Becky Carroll at Customers Rock!
• Leslie Clagett at KB Culture
• Katie Clark at Practical Katie
• Iris Shreve Garrott at Checking In and Checking Out
• Julie at Julie’s Cleaning Secrets Blog
• Marianna Hayes at Results Revolution
• Maria Palma at People To People Service
• Professor Toilet at Professor Toilet’s Blog
• David Reich at My 2 Cents
• Maria Palma at People To People Service
• Professor Toilet at Professor Toilet’s Blog
• David Reich at My 2 Cents
• Bethany Richmond at The Carpet and Rug Institute Blog
• Stephanie Weaver at Experienceology
• C.B. Whittemore at Flooring The Consumer and Simple Marketing Blog
• C.B. Whittemore at Flooring The Consumer and Simple Marketing Blog
• Linda Wright at Lindaloo.com: Build Better Business with Better Bathrooms
Thanks to Stephanie, Susan and C.B. for being the hot blog mamas for this event. You rock!
Here’s to plunging into those forgotten spaces. And don't forget your kits!
Coach Carolyn
Thanks to Stephanie, Susan and C.B. for being the hot blog mamas for this event. You rock!
Here’s to plunging into those forgotten spaces. And don't forget your kits!
Coach Carolyn
A bathroom kit? Wow. I had never thought of that. I used to work in a place that had a couch in the bathroom. It was dreamy. Fifteen minutes alone time on the couch saved my sanity many days.
hat's a very good piece of advice! There's nothing worse than entering a cubicle with no toilet paper!
This could be an opportunity for brands to provide free kits?
Thanks for sharing!
@Katie: The couch in the bathroom is great! Maybe smaller arm chairs in our own private bathrooms ~ for that fifteen minute timeout! Hey!
@Lolly: I always check first. But in the event I really have to go fast, I have my own supply. Saved me countless times!
Thanks for sharing, ladies!
Plunging Into Forgotten Spaces
Thanks for sharing
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