29 October 2010

Friday’s Purposeful Question

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

It is said that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions. So, what questions are you asking?

Are you asking empowering questions like: “What can I do to turn this obstacle into a challenge that will strengthen me?”

Or, are you asking disempowering questions like: “Why is this happening to me?

See the difference? Empowering questions force you to stretch your mind towards possibility thinking, while disempowering questions keep you stuck in victim mode.

You can tell whether a woman is clever by her answers. You can tell whether she is wise by her questions.” ~ attributed to Naguib Mahfouz

Just for today, ask bigger empowering questions!

28 October 2010

Be the Change You Want in Life

The often quoted mantra attributed to Mohandas Gandhi is “Be the change you want to see in the world.” The famous peacemaker was saying that if you want to see any kind of radical shift, you must first be that shift. This is profound wisdom and rings true for every area of life.

If you want to have peace in your immediate world – in your family, in your work life, in your spiritual life – then you must first be the peace you wish to have. You cannot want peace in your life and constantly be in a state of chaotic stress and yelling bouts. Once you calm down to the level of peace you want to see, you will be amazed at how your immediate surroundings will match your level of peace.

It has been said that you cannot fight fire with fire. How many times have you raised your voice either to be heard or to get your point across – or both? What did the other person do? I can bet they raised their voice as well; perhaps even louder. Soon you were just two people yelling at one another; no one was actually listening to the other. This is not peace; this is not even conversation. It is two very loud monologues. Not very productive, I must say. But what if you lowered your voice instead of raising it? Or, what if you just stopped talking for a moment and simply listened? Yes, a novel idea! But what tends to happen is true conversation, true dialogue; not two angry and loud monologues. If you truly want peace, you must make the effort to create peace in your environment.

Ever noticed that when you whisper to someone, they will whisper back; and even ask, “Why are we whispering?” Pretty funny! But it is the power of being what you want to have. You want to have peace, you must be peace. You want to have health, you must be health. You want to have love, you must be love. You will never receive back what you yourself are not willing to give. It is in giving that we receive, as the prayer states.

So, just for today, be the peace, the love, the change you wish to see in the world.

26 October 2010

Bathroom Blogfest 2010: Stuck in the 60’s

Once again, purposeful peeps, it’s time for The Annual Bathroom Blogfest. Now, when I learned of this year’s theme, I had to laugh because if I was stuck in the 60’s, I would still be doing the potty and pull-ups. But as I reflected on this theme, it would be kind of cool to be stuck in the 60’s when it comes to bathroom experiences.

When women went to the bathroom in the 60’s, it was for a real purpose; not something frivolous, like tinkling. Those women went in pairs or teams; this was great for teaching women and girls the importance of community and team-building. There were meaningful discussions and lots of lessons learned during those jaunts to the ladies room.

By the time they all came out, you can bet they had some sort of strategic plan in place for something. Who needed those silly Powerpoint presentations when toilet tissue and paper towels were available? Great for creative, whole brain thinking and no technical snafus.

If there was a line in the public restrooms, there were deep, meaningful conversations on the line; not staring at the back of the head of someone shifting from left foot to right foot. Oh yeah, especially in New York City, those lines are long! Say, have you ever noticed that when you stand on the line at a Barnes and Noble restroom, no one is discussing the latest books? Curious….

Of course, those bathrooms aren’t stuck in the 60’s. You simply put your hands under the soap and you get soap; you put your hands under the faucet and you get the water. Then you move your hand over the sensor and you get the paper towel. No physical contact here! I must say, it is funny to watch some woman moving her hands furiously under the faucet and she gets no water! Then, she moves to the next faucet and still no water. And the next and still no water. Frustrated, she walks out. Negative vibrations equally dirty hands! Let that be a lesson to you.

As I am a peaceful and purposeful woman, I always get soap, water and towel. But if your vibes are a little off, make sure you carry hand sanitizer in your bag!

Check out my fellow Bathroom Bloggers! And an article in Tile Magazine

BloggerBlog NameBlog URL
Susan AbbottCustomer Experience Crossroadshttp://www.customercrossroads.com/customercrossroads/
Paul AnaterKitchen and Residential Designhttp://www.KitchenAndResidentialDesign.com
Shannon BilbyBig Bob's Outlethttp://blog.bigbobsoutlet.com/
Shannon BilbyCarpets N More Bloghttp://blog.carpetsnmore.com/
Shannon BilbyDolphin Carpet Bloghttp://blog.dolphincarpet.com/
Shannon BilbyFrom The Floors Uphttp://fromthefloorsup.com/
Shannon BilbyMy Big Bob's Bloghttp://blog.mybigbobs.com/
Toby Bloomberg Diva Marketinghttp://bloombergmarketing.blogs.com/bloomberg_marketing/
Laurence Borel Blog Till You Drophttp://www.laurenceborel.com/
Bill BuyokAvente Tile Talk Bloghttp://tiletalk.blogspot.com/
Jeanne Byington The Importance of Earnest Servicehttp://blog.jmbyington.com/
Becky CarrollCustomers Rock!http://customersrock.net/
Marianna Chapman Results Revolutionhttp://www.resultsrevolution.com
Katie Clark Practial Katiehttp://practicalkatie.blogspot.com/
Nora DePalma American Standard's Professor Toilethttp://www.professortoilet.com/
Nora DePalma O'Reilly DePalma: The Bloghttp://www.oreilly-depalma.com/blog/
Leigh Durst LivePath Experience Architect Webloghttp://livepath.blogspot.com/
Valerie FritzThe AwarepointBloghttp://www.awarepointblog.com/
Iris Garrott Checking In and Checking Outhttp://circulating.wordpress.com/
Tish GrierThe Constant Observerhttp://spap-oop.blogspot.com
Renee LeCroyYour Fifth Wallhttp://yourfifthwall.com/
Joseph MichelliDr. Joseph Michelli's Blogwww.josephmichelli.com/blog
Veronika MillerModenus Bloghttp://www.modenus.com/blog
Arpi NalbandianTILE Magazine Editor Bloghttp://www.tilemagonline.com/Articles/Blog_Nalbandian
Maria PalmaPeople 2 People Servicehttp://www.people2peopleservice.com/
Reshma Bachwani ParitoshThe Qualitative Research Bloghttp://www.onqualitativeresearch.blogspot.com/
David PolinchockPolinchock's Ponderingshttp://blog.polinchock.com/
Victoria Redshaw & Shelley Pond Scarlet Opus Trends Bloghttp://trendsblog.co.uk/
David ReichMy 2 Centshttp://reichcomm.typepad.com/my_weblog/
Sandy Renshaw Around Des Moineshttp://www.arounddesmoines.com/
Sandy Renshaw Purple Wrenhttp://www.purplewren.com/
Bethany RichmondCarpet and Rug Institute Bloghttp://www.carpet-and-rug-institute-blog.com/
Bruce SandersRIMtailing Bloghttp://rimtailing.blogspot.com/
Steve TokarPlease Be Seatedhttp://stevetokar.wordpress.com/
Stephanie WeaverExperienceologyhttp://experienceology.blogspot.com/
Christine B. WhittemoreFlooring The Consumerhttp://flooringtheconsumer.blogspot.com/
Christine B. WhittemoreSimple Marketing Bloghttp://www.simplemarketingblog.com/
Christine & Ted WhittemoreSmoke Rise & Kinnelon Bloghttp://smokerise-nj.blogspot.com/
Christine B. WhittemoreThe Carpetology Bloghttp://carpetology.blogspot.com/
Linda WrightLindaLoo Build Business With Better Bathroomshttp://lindaloo.com/

Be seeing you in the ladies room!

The Truth of Who You Are

Think about your current story – the life you are currently living. Is it the life of your dreams? Is it the life you have always desired? If not, chances are you are living someone else’s script for your life. You are living the ‘shoulds’, the ‘ought to’s’, and the continuous streams of dialogue you have been conditioned to live. These streams of dialogue have formed your paradigms and thus have become your reality.

Just for a moment, STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and ASK: “What am I believing that is creating my reality?” Nine times out of ten, the answer is centered around the belief that you are not fill-in-the-blank enough: not good enough, not smart enough, not attractive enough, not old enough, not young enough, not tall enough, yada, yada, blah, blah. Then there is the ‘don’t have enoughs’: don’t have enough money; enough education; enough talent; enough confidence – again, fill-in-the-blank.

Who or what gave you such an idea? This is blasphemy! An outright lie! It is these kinds of subversive lies that have distorted your sense of self worth and value and created your faulty belief system. Now, STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and ASK: “Who am I really?” First and foremost, you are a wonderfully and uniquely made child of God. You are a Divine expression; and that means you are more than enough. You have been divinely gifted with everything you need to be, to do, and to have your deepest desires. All you need you do is remember this truth and replace it with your false beliefs. As the Master Teacher once said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!”

25 October 2010

Attract What You Want, Not What You Are

You do not attract that which you want, but that which you are.” ~ James Allen

Try as you might to attain all the things you want, all you keep getting is more of what you already got. You say your affirmations everyday – while standing on your head, drinking a glass of water! Still, all you see in your reality is more lack and not enough. What is up with that?

As James Allen so wisely stated, “You do not attract that which you want, but that which you are.” Although you say you want to be, to do, and to have your heart’s desire – you are not being, doing, or having it in your mind. If you want a career that allows you time for travel and leisure and still fulfill your soul purpose, yet you are behaving like a person in a J.O.B. (just over broke) existence who hates getting up every morning to go to a place filled with toxic energy, then guess what you will keep getting?

Use that magnificent spiritual faculty called the imagination and consistently visualize the life you want to have. Then get into the feeling of it. What will it feel like to have that new purposeful career? Mind Your Own Story of that ideal career – Where is it? What are you doing? Who is there with you? How are you feeling? What is the day like? Feel the feelings of this career, the lifestyle of having this career and the people connected with that kind of lifestyle. Become that which you wish to have; then watch how it finds you and becomes your reality.

22 October 2010

Friday’s Purposeful Question

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

This is the question of the week from my own coach and I thought a good one and one to ponder each moment of the day.

“What are you feeling very grateful for TODAY? Right now, in this moment, with whatever’s going on around you.”

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”  
~ Meister Eckhart

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?’”  
~ William A. Ward

21 October 2010

Just Do It!

“Begin… the rest is easy!”

The famous Nike slogan says it all when it comes to creating a new life story. You have determined that you current story is no longer working for you, and hasn’t been for quite some time. You are in a new place in mind, body and spirit and your life needs to reflect that newness. You make the decision to create a new story by asking yourself what is it you want to be, to do, and to have. Once you have gotten clarity on the answers to these questions, you can then begin to map out what your new story will look and feel like.

The clarity you have about what you want to be, to do, and to have will also help you with your values; the things you will no longer tolerate in your life; your spiritual practices to keep yourself centered and grounded; and even the people and situations that you will allow into your immediate story.

A lack of this kind of clarity causes your story lens to become cloudy and out of focus. You tend to procrastinate on what is important and necessary; you live out of a sense of fear and dread; you worry and doubt more; and your life gets sidetracked by toxic relationships and circumstances.

So, just for today, make the decision to take the leap and begin to create your new life story; then the rest is easy!

20 October 2010

The Law of Thinking

We attract only what we think or create; this is the Law of Thinking. To achieve success we must think it, we must work it, we must become it. To advance, we must make some effort to rise.” ~ Raymond Holliwell, Working With the Law

Like so many others, when I first heard about the Law of Attraction, I too, thought all that was required to manifest my desires was to simply ask and believe and then I would magically receive. But nothing happened. The more I asked and believed without receiving, the more frustrated I became. I wondered what I was doing wrong. I even stated my request in  positive present tense with fervent passion. Still, nothing.

Then, it suddenly dawned on me. How was I to get something from nothing? I looked back on my life achievements and accomplishments. They did not come out of thin air; they came as a result of focused effort on my part. I had to do something to make something happen. It was cause and effect; reaping and sowing. I could never expect a harvest of delicious corn if I had not first planted the seeds. There is focused action that you must take to achieve your desires. Only then, will you manifest your desired harvest.

Dr. Holliwell clearly states that to advance, to achieve, you must make some effort. You must consistently keep your eyes firmly on your desires, lest you get distracted and derailed; part of that kind of focused attention means taking consistent and inspired action on your desires.

When I finally gained clarity and awareness in working with the laws, I knew that when I consistently focus on my desires and take inspired action every day, will my desires expand and increase. More and more resources come into my awareness to take action on and I advance toward my desired intentions. As Dr. Holliwell states, “to achieve success we must think it, we must work it, we must become it.” There is no mention of sitting still and engaging in wishful or magical thinking. There must be some action on our part; consistent, focused and inspired action.

So, just for today, advance in the direction of your desires by taking focused inspired action every day.

19 October 2010

What’s Your Fear Story?

“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.” ~ Mary Manin Morrissey

What is your fear story? Do you even know? This may seem like a strange question, but until it is asked and answered, your life will continue to be a series of starts and stops due to your fears. What is the fear that rears its head when you are about to undertake a new challenge? Whether you are starting a new business, making a sales call, networking in a room full of strangers, speaking in front of a group, or asking someone for help – more often than not, you will make excuses as to why you cannot or will not take the action toward your goals. Your excuses are your rational lies that mask your fears.

As long as you continue to give in to the fear by making excuses, your fear will continue to win out over your dreams. You must let go of the story around your excuses that feed and fuel your fears. So often, we become attached to the fear story and it becomes the only story we know and tell. Your fears are lies; they are illusions; so your fear story is based on lies and illusions. There is no solid, firm foundation to your story. This means that at anytime your foundation can crumble out from under you. Every lie, every illusion soon gets exposed for what it really is.

To release your fear story, you must walk through the fear by doing it afraid and telling yourself a new story. You must begin to tell yourself a story of confidence and the willingness to have more faith in your dreams than in your fears. You must make the decision to surrender your fear story and begin living a new story – a new story of confidence and faith.

Just for today, believe more in the faith of your dreams than in your fears, and soon your fears will disappear.

18 October 2010

Living a Harmonious Life

Having a prosperity consciousness is not strictly limited to money and finances, but it encompasses the whole of a person’s life. Because we are limited as human beings, we tend to limit the way we define things and thus our experience of them. When we can remember that we are spiritual beings first and foremost, knowing that we have access to an unlimited source, then we can begin to expand not only our definitions but our whole consciousness.

When we can begin to see prosperity consciousness as the way we define our whole life, then we can also begin to shift into that mindset in all areas of life. For example, having a prosperity mindset also means that you do not neglect your health and well being. In order to have a prosperous life, it begins with a healthy lifestyle. You cannot succeed to the level of excellence when you are in poor health. A less than healthy existence means a lack of focus and concentration and even less motivation to pursue your goals.

Look at all the areas of your life, including your relationships, your recreational time and your spiritual life. If there is incongruence with any of them, then you are not living from prosperity consciousness. Don’t neglect all other areas of your life just to accumulate money and wealth. One must not be done at the expense of the other. You don’t want there to come a time when your health breaks down and you need to spend all of your money to restore your health. This is not a harmonious lifestyle or living from prosperity consciousness.

Remember that you are a whole being with different areas of your life; and you need to be equally mindful of all those different areas. Your life will be much sweeter when you can live in a complete and prosperous way.

Just for today, live a harmonious life!

15 October 2010

Blog Action Day 2010

Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day on their own blogs with the aim of sparking discussion around an issue of global importance. This year, the issue is Water.

Some facts that illustrate the severity of the global water problem and why we think Blog Action Day 2010 is such an important opportunity to raise awareness about the issue:

1. Unsafe drinking water and lack of sanitation kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Unclean drinking water can incubate some pretty scary diseases, like E. coli, salmonella, cholera and hepatitis A. Given that bouquet of bacteria, it's no surprise that water, or rather lack thereof, causes 42,000 deaths each week.

2. More people have access to a cell phone than to a toilet. Today, 2.5 billion people lack access to toilets. This means that sewage spills into rivers and streams, contaminating drinking water and causing disease.

3. Every day, women and children in Africa walk a combined total of 109 million hours to get water. They do this while carrying cisterns weighing around 40 pounds when filled in order to gather water that, in many cases, is still polluted. Aside from putting a great deal of strain on their bodies, walking such long distances keeps children out of school and women away from other endeavors that can help improve the quality of life in their communities.

4. It takes 6.3 gallons of water to produce just one hamburger. That 6.3 gallons covers everything from watering the wheat for the bun and providing water for the cow to cooking the patty and baking the bun. And that's just one meal! It would take over 184 billion gallons of water to make just one hamburger for every person in the United States.

5. The average American uses 159 gallons of water every day – more than 15 times the average person in the developing world. From showering and washing our hands to watering our lawns and washing our cars, Americans use a lot of water. To put things into perspective, the average five-minute shower will use about 10 gallons of water. Now imagine using that same amount to bathe, wash your clothes, cook your meals and quench your thirst.

While these facts may be grim, there is hope for real solutions as more and more people around the world are waking up to the clean water crisis. Earlier this year, the UN declared access to clean water a human right and groups like charity: water and Water.org continue to work tirelessly to bring water access to the developing world.

Also, think about how you relate to water. Our water is a very precious resource that most of us have taken for granted. We know that when we turn on the faucet, flush the toilet, turn on the hose, that water will appear. But there are millions who do not have that luxury. Instead of taking your water for granted every day, and yes, you use or drink it every day, be grateful for your water and your water moments. Whenever you have a water moment, washing your hands, flushing the toilet, taking a shower, watering your garden, take a moment and STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and SAY THANK YOU, WATER!

It will take all of one moment to appreciate the beauty and the splendor of having clean, accessible drinking water – at the turn of a knob. And, it will create a moment of peace in your day.

Love your precious resources and be grateful for water!

14 October 2010

10-10-10 Life Lessons from Don Miguel Ruiz

I am wrapping up my week of 10-10-10 Top Ten's. It has been a pleasure sharing my special top ten secrets to manifesting the life of my dreams.

“You need a very strong will in order to adopt these agreements, but if you can begin to live your life with these agreements, the transformation in your life will be amazing. You will see the drama of hell disappear right before your very eyes.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

Today’s Top Ten: 10 Life Lessons from Don Miguel Ruiz

1. Make and Keep Your Agreements – not just with others, but especially with yourself. Keeping your agreements builds integrity and character. When you break agreements with others, people tend not to trust you. When you break agreements with yourself, you stop trusting yourself – which leads to a life of fear and doubt.

2. Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

3. Don't Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

4. Don't Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

5. Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

6. Be Skeptical, But Learn To Listen. Don’t believe yourself or anybody else. Use the power of doubt to question everything you hear: Is it really the truth? Listen to the intent behind words, and you will understand the real message.

7. Every Action Has a Reaction. Perhaps you cannot see the action or the choice you made, but you will always see the reaction, the result of what you do. Choose your actions wisely.

8. Direct Your Own Drama. Imagine yourself as the director of the drama that is your life. You have the power to direct all the actors and their actions in any way you choose.

9. Practice Detachment to Allow Change. Look at your physical body and just imagine how you used to look when you were five years old compared with now. It is still you, but the body is completely different. It has changed. Everything must go through its own transformation and change. Allow the process.

10. Remember and Repeat! You must continue to take consistent action and practice these agreements; the transformation doesn’t just happen until you work the process.

As an added bonus, I have selected some special e-books to help you in your journey to creating a life of passion, peace and prosperity. It is my special one-time 10-10-10 Blowout Sale! For this week only, any book is only $10. And if you purchase 3 or more books, you get an additional set of bonuses valued at over $150. So act fast! Only one more day left!

Here’s to your success!

13 October 2010

10-10-10 For Manifesting Inner Peace

I am celebrating this week of 10-10-10! As my gift in commemorating this special week, I want to share some Top Ten’s.

I must warn you: all of my Top Ten’s begin the same. Over the years, these steps are tried and true; proven to be the first steps in creating a life of success, health, wealth and prosperity. You will see that much of it is the same. I am not one for re-inventing the wheel. When I find something that truly works, over and over – I WORK IT – over and over and over!

"So stop. Go mindless. Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." ~ Oprah

Today’s Top Ten: 10 Secrets to Manifesting Inner Peace

1. STOP! Take a mental and spiritual time out and stop.

2. Breathe! Taking a breath brings you back to the present moment where you can access inner peace.

3. Ask! You have not because you ask not! Ask the universe for inner peace.

4. Listen. You cannot hear the answers to your questions if you do not listen.

5. Decide. Make the conscious decision to have inner peace and be peaceful. A Course in Miracles says, you can choose peace or you can choose this.

6. Take time for solitude and silence. Gift yourself with the spiritual and mental retreat. There is something to removing yourself from the world for awhile that really helps you to get in touch with who you really are.

7. Meditate. It doesn’t matter if you meditate, pray, or just sit still, you must have time to touch the stillness and access your inner wisdom. This is where your peace lies.

8. Journal. When those moments of chaos creep up, journal about what you are thinking and feeling. Getting it out of your head and onto the page helps remove the charge and bring you back in touch with your own inner peace.

9. Smile! When you consciously smile, you are in the present moment; in the present moment, you can be at peace.

10. Repeat! You must continue to take consistent action to have inner peace; it doesn't just happen. Consistent practice creates a space of inner peace even when chaos and turmoil is happening around you.

As an added bonus, I have selected some special e-books to help you in your journey to creating a life of passion, peace and prosperity. It is my special one-time 10-10-10 Blowout Sale! For this week only, any book is only $10. And if you purchase 3 or more books, you get an additional set of bonuses valued at over $150. So act fast! This offer is only running through Friday, October 15, 2010.

Here’s to your success!

12 October 2010

10-10-10 For Transcending Fear

I am celebrating this week of 10-10-10! As my gift in commemorating this special week, I want to share some Top Ten’s.

I must warn you: all of my Top Ten’s begin the same. Over the years, these steps are tried and true; proven to be the first steps in creating a life of success, health, wealth and prosperity. You will see that much of it is the same. I am not one for re-inventing the wheel. When I find something that truly works, over and over – I WORK IT – over and over and over!

"So stop. Go mindless. Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." ~ Oprah

Today’s Top Ten: 10 Keys to Transcending Fear

1. STOP! Take a mental and spiritual time out and stop.

2. Breathe! Taking a breath brings you back to the present moment while fear is future based.

3. Ask! You have not because you ask not! Ask what has this fear come to teach you?

4. Listen. You cannot hear the answers to your questions if you do not listen.

5. Decide. Make the conscious decision to be fearless and confident.

6. Reduce your sugar intake. When you fill up on sugars and sweets, it creates brain fog, thus rendering you the inability to make decisions. As Napoleon Hill said, “Indecision breeds fear.”

7. Act to Distract. When you begin to take conscious action on something, it distracts you from your fear. The more action you take, the less fear you will experience.

8. Journal. When those moments of fear creep up, journal about what you are thinking and feeling. Getting it out of your head and onto the page helps remove the charge from the fear.

9. Laugh! When you are feeling fearful, find something, anything to laugh at or about. Laughter is your body’s natural remedy to most things that ail you. When you are laughing, you are not feeling afraid.

10. Repeat! You must continue to take consistent action to live fearlessly and confidently.

As an added bonus, I have selected some special e-books to help you in your journey to creating a life of passion, peace and prosperity. It is my special one-time 10-10-10 Blowout Sale! For this week only, any book is only $10. And if you purchase 3 or more books, you get an additional set of bonuses valued at over $150. So act fast! This offer is only running through Friday, October 15, 2010.

Here’s to your success!

11 October 2010

10-10-10 For Manifesting Prosperity

I am celebrating this week of 10-10-10! As my gift in commemorating this special week, I want to share some of my Top Ten’s.

I must warn you: all of my Top Ten’s begin the same. Over the years, these steps are tried and true; proven to be the first steps in creating a life of success, health, wealth and prosperity. You will see that much of it is the same. I am not one for re-inventing the wheel. When I find something that truly works, over and over – I WORK IT – over and over and over!

Today’s Top Ten: 10 Keys to Manifesting Prosperity

1. STOP! Take a mental and spiritual time out and stop.

2. Breathe! Taking a breath brings you back to center, back to the present moment and helps you to tap into your Inner Wisdom.

3. Ask! You have not because you ask not! Have you asked for more prosperity in your life?

4. Listen. You cannot hear the answers to your questions if you do not listen.

5. Decide. Make the conscious decision to have a prosperous life.

6. See It. Visualize in the theater of your mind a life of prosperity and abundance. Until you can see it, you cannot feel it.

7. Feel It. Now that you have a clear picture of prosperity, what does that feel it? Get full of that feeling!

8. Believe It! Know that beyond a shadow of a doubt this is your life; that you life of one of prosperity and abundance.

9. Be Grateful. Feel such gratitude and appreciation; not just for your prosperous life, but also that you have the power to create your life anyway you choose.

10. Repeat! This will be a familiar step this week, but I believe the most important step. You must continue to take consistent action to manifest a prosperous life.

As an added bonus, I have selected some special e-books to help you in your journey to creating a life of passion, peace and prosperity. It is my special one-time 10-10-10 Blowout Sale! For this week only, any book is only $10. And if you purchase 3 or more books, you get an additional set of bonuses valued at over $150. So act fast! This offer is only running through Friday, October 15, 2010.

Here’s to your success!

08 October 2010

Friday’s Purposeful Question

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

When you ask a question, it fires a different part of your brain, working on your behalf to uncover an answer. Yes, uncover; because if you ask the question, the answer is in the same room.

“What would you ask for if you were guaranteed your request?”

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." ~ Albert Einstein

Live the questions!

07 October 2010

Risking Adversities

"We must look for the opportunity in every difficulty instead of being paralyzed at the thought of the difficulty in every opportunity." ~ Walter E. Cole, Korean War Hero

Sometimes, you may not take the leap of faith and take advantage of the opportunities before you because you don’t want to risk – losing, failing, falling, you name it.

But remember, those obstacles are opportunities in disguise, but they don’t become opportunities until you take the risk and see what lies beyond the obstacle.


“What obstacles are in front of me today?”
“What opportunities are beyond those obstacles?”

06 October 2010

Your Greatest Life Lessons

Did you know that any and every obstacle or challenge is a perfect opportunity to learn a life lesson? Heartaches and heartbreaks don’t just happen for the sake of happening; they happen to bring us to a new level of awareness. But we so longingly wallow in the heartbreak that we cannot see any new awarenesses or new opportunities.

First know that these challenges and adversities happen for you not simply to you. Stop wallowing in what shoulda, coulda, or woulda – because it’s not! Think about what is before you right now.


“How will I choose to see this heartbreak?”

What lessons can I learn from it?”

“What blessings will I receive from it?”

Then, live with the questions.

05 October 2010

Release the Obstacles

"If I had a formula for bypassing trouble I would not pass it around. Trouble creates a capacity to handle it. I don't embrace trouble; that's as bad as treating it as an enemy – but I do say meet it as a friend for you will see a lot of it, and had better be on speaking terms with it." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

The Universal Law of Polarity states that when there is an obstacle in our life, there is also the way to overcome that obstacle. The obstacle has built within the capacity to overcome it. How great is that?

So, stop struggling and resisting because that only keeps you stuck in the trouble.

Release and let go…

04 October 2010

What Are Your Obstacles?

This week, I would like to focus on the adversities, the obstacles and the downfalls of life. I have been experiencing more pain than usual the last few weeks; and for me, pain is a sign of breakthroughs. Whenever I am moving into the direction of a major shift and life change, my body starts screaming in the form of physical pain. 

Having experienced this for years and the endless hours of study I have done, I now know to simply “be” with the pain, ask questions of the pain and allow the pain to tell its story.

I have stopped resisting the pain because what you resist only persists. But I have become more in tune with the pain – as it could lead to major obstacles if I am not mindful and conscious.

So, just for today, STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and ASK:

“What are the obstacles showing up in your life right now?”
“Are you resisting those obstacles?”

What you resist, persists!

I am conducting a free teleclass on dealing with your resistances. Stay tuned for more information on that.

01 October 2010

Ask A Purposeful Question

An affirmation is a declaration that something is true.

When you state your affirmations, do you believe them?

If not, you are not alone. Most affirmations simply do not work because we don’t believe them. When you affirm, “I am rich and beautiful,” the subconscious mind is saying, “Yeah, right!”

So, what do you do? Do you give up saying affirmations all together?

Instead, ask a purposeful question. Try asking, “Why am I so rich and beautiful?” How does that feel? Instead of the subconscious mind disagreeing or arguing with you, it is now looking for an answer to your question.

Try asking bigger questions. Author and speaker Anthony Robbins says, “Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”

Just for today, ask bigger questions, then live with the questions.